Source: CVDaily Feed

Speaking up for mothers is essentially a full-time job for local resident Shelly Locke who has been to many countries, sometimes with the help of the United Nations, to preach the importance of families and especially of mothers.

On KVNU’s Crosstalk program Tuesday, Locke said a new film touting motherhood will be launched and it will be available in stores shortly after Mother’s Day. Locke is also the CEO of Power of Mothers.

Meanwhile, she said local residents have been great about participating in humanitarian efforts to help families who desperately need help.

“If you give a child in Nigeria, for example, a receiving blanket,” Locke said, “by their own testimonial you have saved their child’s life. The temperatures dip in the fall just like they do here by about a 60 degree difference.

“Those mothers have nothing to put their babies in. The malaria that comes in the fall because of the mosquitoes, they have nothing to wrap their babies in. You put a two layer blanket around a newborn and you save their life.”

Locke said she hopes things will work out so she can go to Russia and several other countries this fall preaching the importance of mothers.