Some surveys were conducted of Latino communities in Cache Valley and the rest of the state when it comes to COVID-19, the response and how the programs were being administered.  Testing was an issue as well, how to get testing into the communities.  There were a lot of challenges along those lines and it has been an ongoing issue in some parts of the state even today.

But the survey resulted in some very positive responses and a look at the overall experience of the Latino community in Cache Valley and in Utah.  On KVNU’s For the People program on Wednesday,  Claudia Wright, who is from Colombia and is a PH-D student in USU’s Department of Sociology talked about how she got involved in helping the community.

“When I first heard that the JBS plant had so many positive cases of COVID-19, and, of course, considering that JBS is a big employer of the Hispanic community, I got alarmed.  I called my friend…who works in the university too and (said) ‘ we just need to go ahead and do something about this’”, said Wright.

So she started a group on Facebook called Latinos Unidos COVID-19 Cache Valley with the intention of centralizing the information so that the Hispanic community could see it in Spanish in real time and know where to go to find education or resources.

She said in the meantime other people in the community were also collecting donations and collecting money, setting up funds and doing many other things to assist this population that has been hit particularly hard by the pandemic.   If any in the community would like to help, they can visit the Facebook page or


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