Source: CVDaily Feed

As director of the Cache County EMS Authority, Jay Downs has the job of managing the countywide comprehensive emergency services program. It provides emergency medical services to all citizens of the county as a joint program of the Office of the Cache County EMS Coordinator and the ambulance program of the Logan City Fire Department.

On Tuesday, Downs told members of the Cache County Council that local political officials came together and an inter-local agreement was entered into back in 2004 has proven to be very successful. Each responder group maintains its own autonomy and functions under inter-local contracts with the Cache County EMS Authority.

“For the first few years, you may recall, we were buying used ambulances from Brigham City and Rich County to keep us afloat. Back in 2010 was the first year we were able to purchase our own ambulances.

“Since that time we’ve created a capitol improvement program to where we put money aside every year so when it comes time to replace those ambulances the money is already set aside and we are not borrowing money to do that.”

Downs said the program has substantially enhanced the level of emergency medical services that are available in both Logan City and Cache County as a whole.