Source: CVDaily Feed

There are many conditions attached but on a split vote Tuesday the Cache County Council approved a conditional use permit for a solid waste landfill to be built on approximately 320 acres of land about 4.5 miles north of Clarkston. The vote was four to three with councilmembers Corey Yeates, Kathy Robison and Craig Petersen voting against the permit.

The decision came after a long discussion where State Representative Ronda Menlove reminded the council of a bill approved by the Utah legislature that mainly addresses traffic issues. Logan City’s Environmental Department, wich manages the solid waste program for the whole county, will be required to have a traffic impact study done.

Environmental Director Issa Hamud went along with that it if turns out to be necessary.

“I don’t mind doing TIS at the intersection if it is required. But if it is a state requirement I’m not sure that it requires your approval,” Hamud told the council. “The state requires it. We can just leave it the way it is and we’ll be fine.”

A list of 13 conditions are part of the conditional use permit. The county’s planning commission has recommended the council give due consideration to such impacts as disturbance of farm lands, truck travel distances, turns, stops and the associated fuel use, pollution and safety issues.