Source: CVDaily Feed

LOGAN — A construction worker was sent to the hospital with minor injuries after being sprayed with ammonia while working at Gossner Foods, 1051 North 1000 West.

Logan City Fire Marshal Craig Humphreys said the accident occurred Wednesday afternoon, as two men were moving refrigeration lines in an area of the plant that is being remodeled.

“As they were cutting through a line, there was some residual ammonia in the line that was released as they were cutting through a pipe,” said Humphreys. “The two men were on a lift and exposed to ammonia. One will be transported to the hospital for some observation.”

The injured worker was talking and breathing okay. The other employee was checked out and released by paramedics.

Humphreys said the ammonia leak was contained within the construction area that is sealed off from the rest of the food plant.

“That area of the building has been totally cleared,” said Humphreys. “There is no food sources in that area of the building. It is totally cleared of any product.”

There were no other workers exposed and the rest of the plant was unaffected.